18 febrero, 2021
Published by admin on 18 febrero, 2021
La inteligencia artificial (IA) está revolucionando la forma en que las empresas operan y se relacionan con sus clientes. A medida que las tecnologías avanzan, las […]
18 febrero, 2021
Published by admin on 18 febrero, 2021
En la era de la Industria 4.0, la digitalización ha dejado de ser una tendencia futurista para convertirse en una necesidad imperativa para las empresas que […]
18 febrero, 2021
Published by admin on 18 febrero, 2021
En la actualidad, el cloud computing ha emergido como una piedra angular en la transformación digital de las empresas, permitiéndoles operar con mayor agilidad, seguridad y […]
17 febrero, 2021
Published by admin on 17 febrero, 2021
What are the main characteristics of the hospital of the future? Of all the characteristics, I would say that the centrality of the patient, the orientation […]
17 febrero, 2021
Published by admin on 17 febrero, 2021
Why is the MRI performed? Specialists usually prescribe an MRI to study and analyze a certain part of the human body. This study will detect and […]
17 febrero, 2021
Published by admin on 17 febrero, 2021
In recent years, unprecedented advances in the fields of biology, electronics and human genetics have led to the development of an impressive new set of instruments […]
18 octubre, 2018
The man, who is in a stable condition in hospital, has "potentially life-changing injuries" after the overnight attack in Garvagh, County Londonderry. He was shot in the arms and legs.
18 agosto, 2018
The man, who is in a stable condition in hospital, has "potentially life-changing injuries" after the overnight attack in Garvagh, County Londonderry. He was shot in the arms and legs.
18 julio, 2018
Published by admin on 18 julio, 2018
The man, who is in a stable condition in hospital, has "potentially life-changing injuries" after the overnight attack in Garvagh, County Londonderry. He was shot in the arms and legs.